I am currently working towards an Art & Design BTEC National Diploma after completing an Art GCSE. I’ve shown an interest in art from a pretty young age – but became passionate about it whilst I was working on my GCSE.
I’m enthusiastic about this course as I’m highly interested in bright, colourful art, such as graphic novels and comic, t-shirt graphics, photography, tattoos and graffiti. Aspects of the course that interest me the most are learning to make initial sketches and develop these into professional illustrations and graphic images. I also find the idea of the potential skills I could learn about photography, the equipment and the available software very appealing.
I have been involved in a variety of voluntary work that includes designing and drawing up tattoo stencils for family members and friends, and occasionally doing amateur photography for local bands which I have good connections with. Over the last year or so I have become more connected with people who are working in or studying illustration, photography and tattooing – this opened up a whole new side of art to me that was beyond painting and drawing. I’ve felt that it’s been easier to find inspiration for my art work now that I have become more involved in this kind of work, and I now want to develop my skills in photography, illustration and graphics further in order for me to be able to establish a career for myself that is built around my greatest interests.
Work that I have done on my BTEC National Diploma that I have enjoyed is mainly photography because it has had a strong influence on me for a number of years. Painting and drawing also hold a high place in my favourite aspects of art as I welcome the expressive freedom it offers. There are a number of artists whose work inspires and influences my work in a variety of areas of art; artists Salvador Dali and Roy Lichtenstein, tattoo artists Kat Von D and Leah Moule; my natural form project was particularly influenced by tattooing as the main focus was the two roses, drawn in a stylised tattoo fashion, that I painted onto a model.
One of my influences that is outside of art is the author Oscar Wilde; whose controversial novel The Picture Of Dorian Gray has caused me to think about taking my work in other directions that might not be overly conventional. Artists working in alternative fields that I find interesting include Banksy’s graffiti art and the clothing designs created by Oliver Sykes for his clothing company, Drop Dead; this is mainly because these are areas I would like to experiment in.
I am looking forward to experiencing University life, and the challenge of working at degree level is something I believe I will enjoy greatly.